Owen is long past the "critical phase" in NICU (crossing fingers nothing sneaks up on us), but we now have a check list to meet before he can come home. There are only 3 things on our check list, so you would think it wouldn't take too long, but it does.
Check list:*Off all oxygen supportOwen has been off Oxygen since day four, check it off the list right??? Not so fast, since Owen has been attempting breast feedings he is so worn out he is dropping his oxygen level, thus the possibility of being put back on oxygen. They checked for infection, and that came back fine, so their conclusion is that feeding is taking all of his energy. Wednesday night the doctor thought he might need the oxygen, so the nurse brought it in, but then the doc said to wait on it. The oxygen is still sitting in his room and I really hope he doesn't need to go back on it.
*Eating for 48 hours by breast or bottle and gaining weightOwen started 1 breastfeeding attempt every 12 hours on Monday, and is currently able to attempt twice as of yesterday. Yesterday he only had 1 good feeding out of 4, but today he has currently had 2 good feedings, and we have 2 more tonight. If things continue to go well we will hopefully be able to attempt 3 every 12 hours tomorrow.
*Holding temperature in room air for 48 hoursOwen's isolette temp is almost as low as it can go, it can be lowered 1 more degree until it is room temp. They plan on keeping him in his isolette until he gets his feedings down. We don't want him using his energy to keep his temp up, when we need him to be using it for his feedings.
Goal Board in Owen's Room