Friday, November 27, 2009


Jeremy and I had my parents, brother and his girlfriend down for Thanksgiving. We have decided to not go home this year for the holidays in order to keep Owen healthy, so it was great to have my parents at the house for the day. It was also my first time making a turkey!!! I'm pleased to report that it turned out GREAT! :) Jeremy and I were a bit worried about ruining it, but I was very happy with the way it turned out. I have to admit that my mom's homemade pumpkin cheesecake won the "Best Dish" award. It was amazing!

Here are some pics from the day:

Carving the bird :)

Pigging Out!

Uncle Nolan, Ellie and Sam (Nolan and Ellie would not look at the camera!)

Reading with Grandpa Dan...she calls him Papa :)

Spending some time with Owen

This is a special Thanksgiving for us, it is our first as a family of four. We are thankful for our two healthy children and wonderful families!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

6 weeks old

Owen is six weeks old!!! He is not caught up to normal newborn,s but he is on his way. The doctor says that Owen should be caught up to his peers between 12-15 months old. Until then we should expect him to be a bit smaller, and possibly reach milestones after his peers. We are just happy that he is doing so well at home!
All About Owen:
Weight: 5 pounds 5 ounces! (almost as big as Ellie when she was born)
Feeding: Owen is a eating machine lately, he will nurse on an off for hours at a time. He has to have two supplemented bottles a day and those feedings are between 3.5-4 ounces at a time.
Diapers: Owen wears newborn diapers, he has since he has been home. Like his sister he has no problem in the pooping and peeing department...thank goodness!
Sleeping: Owen is up 2-3 times a night for a couple hours at a time. He doesn't sleep very well in his bassinet, and I fully admit to spoiling him by letting him sleep with me for a short time most nights. This allows me to get a little bit of sleep as well.
-Owen is a cuddle bug...he loves to be held!
-Owen is starting to be awake for longer periods of time.
-Owen likes to be talked to, he has started to look at me when I talk to him, he also stares at shadows and contrasting colors/shapes.
-He loves the ceiling fan just like his sister did.
-He only cries when he is hungry.
-Owen hates to have his diaper/clothes changed...he gets very upset.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Ellie loves Owen (most of the time :)! From the moment we brought Owen home Ellie has been very interested in him. She calls him "O". Ellie kisses him on top of his head all the time, runs to him when he cries, and continues to say, "Hi O!" over and over as if she forgot he was here. She also loves to continue to point out his hands, feet, eyes, ears, mouth and nose. On the flip side she also has whacked him a few times, stolen his binkie over and over, and gauged him in the eye once. It is a work in progress :)
Ellie and Owen:Pointing out his eyes, mouth and nose :)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Goodbye NICU

On Tuesday the 3rd, I was informed that Owen would be able to go home on Thursday if he continued to gain weight. He had his circumcision scheduled for Wednesday, head ultra sound Thursday morning, and if everything checked out we were told we could be home by supper time. We hit a bit of a speed bump when I found out I had shingles...didn't know if this would dleay our departure, they gave him a shot in hopes he wouldn't get it.
Well...Owen continued to gain weight, he was a trooper through his circumcision, and his ultra sound was normal! Owen was discharged around 4PM and Jeremy and I were so excited to bring him home.

I hope to never walk down this hallway again, unless visiting!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Shortest Deer Season EVER!!!

Typically it seems as if deer season lasts FOREVER in the Daughetee household. This year Jermey went out one morning and shot the first deer he saw! I was shocked to get a phone call that he got a deer! He is also skipping shot gun season and hoping to get out in January to hunt late muzzloader. Things are way too crazy right now to get much hunting in, but I'm glad he was able to get at least one deer this fall. He is currently in the process of boiling the head to mount just the skull and antlers....YUCKO!

Big Boy Bed

Owen is now in a "Big Boy Bed", as Nurse Mary calls it, also known as a crib :). He was put into a crib on Sunday. He seems to be a bit uncomfortable in the crib. It could be because he is now able to hear everything more clearly, or he could feel less secure.

Owen's new "Big Boy Bed"
Owen passed his hearing screening yesterday! He will have a vision test next Wednesday. I'm currently nursing Owen, along with two bottles every 24 hours for extra calories. He has not needed to be given food from his feeding tube since Saturday. Now we just need him to continue eating by mouth exclusively and gain weight over a 48 hour period and we can go home! :) Hopefully we will be home by this weekend!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Halloween 2009
On Halloween I made sure to get home from the hospital in time to go Trick or Treating with Ellie. Last year we did not take her out on Halloween, because she was only 3 months old. This year we thought we would take her around to a few houses. I was really hoping that Owen would take his feedings during the day, so I could escape for a few hours to see her in her costume. Owen cooperated and I was home in time to dress her up.

Here is a picture of our little Lion:

Ready to GO!!!

Trick or Treating:

Trick or Treat Daddy

She was so mad when we had to come inside.

"I want to go back outside!"

Look at those red cheeks!

" I'm better"

Outfit for her daycare's Halloween party:

Little Owen on Halloween as a Football Player:
On Wednesday Jeremy and I picked up Ellie early from daycare and headed to the Pumpkin Patch. We brought her to this same place last year. We had free tickets from Jeremy's work and I really wanted to get her out and spend some time with her. Unfortunately the day we picked to go was pretty icky! It was chilly and overcast. When we pulled up to the place there were only four cars in the parking lot :) Upon getting in, we realized just how cold it was. We snapped a few pics and left. Ellie wasn't very cooperative for pictures, but we still got a few cute ones.
Pumpkin Patch 2009: