Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Little Miss Attitude

Well, little Ellie is developing quite the "attitude" lately. She knows what she wants/likes and she better get it now! Last night I was talking on the phone (she loves our cell phones) and she wanted it. Once I got off the phone I gave it to her to play with while I changed her diaper. I then took the cell phone away from her to put her skin medicine on her hands and she screamed bloody murder until I gave it back to her (may be a sign that she is a bit spoiled:) It was like an on/off switch...take the phone away and she screams...give it back and she is all smiles.
It was neat though to see her show such a preference for something and care when it was taken away...she is growing up so fast :)

1 comment:

yaya/mom said...

I dont believe you, not my grandaughter.