Sunday, April 26, 2009

Congrats to Kristi and Chase

This past Friday, Jeremy's sister Kristi was married to Chase Strub. It was a beautiful day at the Daughetee household. Mary and Tom's deck was transformed into the perfect place for a wedding ceremony. We ate food and cake afterwards and got home fairly late Friday night. Kristi looked gorgeous in her wedding dress and Chase was a handsome groom. Jackson and Skyler were also cute as can be in shorts with dress shoes :)
Pictures from the ceremony:Aunt Kath was the Maid of Honor and
Chase's friend Andy was his Best ManJackson and his mommy :)Yummmo! Cake!Ellie and Jack playingThis picture above cracks me up. Every toy Ellie would touch Jack would take away from her. She is looking at him like "hey, who do you think you are?" :) I got as many pictures as I could, but unfortunately our camera stinks!!! and kept turning off on me! Jeremy has promised me a nice one for my b-day...but I'm hoping for Mother's Day ...hint hint :) It is sad all the great pics I miss because of that stupid camera!


yaya/mom said...

Ellie looks like a little doll next to Jackson. Very cute pic.

Carissa said...
