By Thursday though I started to except it and I had a ton of visitors on Friday. My mom brought me scotcharoos, Aundrea sent me and Ellie some books, Grandma sent some Betty Janes my way, Julie brought me caramel apples, Jeremy brought me Olive Garden, and Mary brought me some books to keep me busy! :) I was feeling much better!
Unfortunately things turned very quickly. I woke up Saturday morning with excruciating pain in my right upper side. The doctor ordered labs and a shot for the pain while we waited. The shot did not dull the pain at all it only made it impossible to keep my eyes open. I started getting sick because I was in so much pain, and needless to say I will never eat Olive Garden again. After waiting what seemed like a lifetime my labs came back and showed that my liver enzymes were very high. The doctor also said that she could feel that my liver was enlarged. This being said she said we had to deliver by c-section immediately. She asked how fast my husband could arrive, and I was wheeled to the operating room for preparations. Jeremy got a call at 6:30 in the morning to get to the hospital. Luckily my mom was already at the house for the night and he was able to make it to the delivery. Jeremy arrived around 7:00 and Owen was born at 7:39AM.
He cried immediately, which was a great sound! I was able to briefly see Owen and then he was sent up to NICU. Jeremy was allowed to follow him upstairs and stayed with him until I was back in my room.
After birth Owen was initially put on a C-Pap and then put on a ventilator because he needed more oxygen. I was unable to see him until Sunday because I was stuck on magnesium and a catheter amongst other things. As soon as I was taken off everything I went up to see Owen. I still felt awful and only stayed for a short time, but it was great to see him again. This is the first picture of us with Owen. Don't judge the look I really was not feeling well :)
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