Sunday, January 10, 2010


Hello it's us...The Daughetee's! :)
I have been so busy, and unfortunaly the Blog has taken a hit. But, I'm bound and determined to get back in the game.
I will be back dating many posts, along with adding current posts...stay tuned :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Years Eve

Happy New Year!!!!

Jeremy had to work on New Years Eve this year :( My mom came down to keep us company, but she fell asleep at 10:00! Needless to say it was a pretty low key night. Here are some pictures of our night. Owen and I rang in the New Year together!
Happy New Year!
We hope for a GREAT year in 2010!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Goals for 2010

It is a new year...time for some NEW goals!
Danielle's Goals:
-Lose 10 pounds by March
-Train and Complete the Pig Man Triathalon-June 6th
-Complete Action Research for my Masters Degree
-Organize pictures in photo books (wedding, Ellie, Owen)
-Run the BIX 7-July 24th (I'm usually too chicken :)
-Graduate in December with a Masters Degree

Ellie's Goals:
-Move into a "big girl bed" by April
-Lose the binkies!
-Potty trained by the age of two (hoping)
-Start communicating with 2-3 word sentences
-Take gymnastics this summer
-Take music class this summer

Owen's Goals:

-Grow big! (hoping more than 18 pounds by 1 year old)
-Roll over
-Sit up
-Start rice cereal by 6 months and proceed to other big boy foods
-Walk by Thanksgiving

Jeremy's Goals:
-Win the Midwest Final Four Rugby Tournament in May
-Complete the Pigman Triathlon
-Get driveway done to garage
-Build deck
-New sink in kitchen
-Further Education through Kirkwood Community College

Family Goals:
-Heathy year in 2010!!!
-Spend time with one another
-Eat dinner together (most every night)
-Laugh often :)