Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Daughetee Christmas 2011

Christmas evening Jeremy left work an hour early and we headed over to Mary and Tom's place for our final Christmas celebration. They always cook a fantastic prime rib meal for everyone and this year did not disappoint.

Daughetee Cousins

Again everyone was thoroughly SPOILED!!! and we went home with way too much stuff. Ellie was so excited to get a new sleeping bag (this is one of the only things she wanted!) and Owen again loved everything he got, his favorite thing was a new Elmo movie that we have watched a zillion times!

Total Chaos :)
After opening presents we sat around and relaxed in the living room. We stayed up way too late, but it was great to catch up with everyone! Jeremy, the kids and I spent the night at Mary and Tom's new home for the first time! It was a great set up with each of us being able to sleep in a bed with one of the kids. The next morning we woke up, Tom made us a great breakfast and we headed over to Grandma Daughetee's to wish her a Merry Christmas!

And some pics of the girls....

Heins/Stackis Christmas 2011

 The kids and I went to Aunt Georgia and Uncle Peter's house for Christmas Eve. It was soooo nice to see the Stackis side of the family again. I'm embarrassed to say how long it has been! It was the first time that I was seeing my Grandpa Georges old house all fixed up. Peter did a great job! It really is a beautiful home!
Merry Christmas!
The next morning we woke up at Papa and Yiayia's house to open presents. Same thing goes with the kids present opening styles....Ellie rips through them and Owen takes it slow. Owen reminds me of a mix of my dad and Jeremy in this way. Owen eats slow and does things at his own speed (just like my dad) and Owen is also very meticulous and studious about certain things (just like Jeremy).
A Book Bag!

Papa collecting Owen's garbage
The kids and I were given WAY too much from my parents! After gift opening we had a very nice brunch and headed over to my Grandma and Grandpa Heins' house. Ellie got Rapunzel and these really cool melted down crayons from my cousin Kate and Owen got a tent and a tunnel from our cousin Jesse. It was all a huge hit!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Extravaganza 2011

Santa came to our house 2 days early because Jeremy had to work. I originally felt pretty bummed out about this, but in the long run it was GREAT! We were able to spend the entire day together at our own home. I think that this will be something that we will make a tradition to continue in the future.

Ellie had a very difficult time going to sleep with the anticipation that Santa was coming. At one point she came out of her room in tears because she just was too excited (Jeremy and I could both relate :)

The next morning Ellie and Owen came running into our room early to tell us that Santa had come and brought us presents! I barely had time to grab the camera before Ellie was ripping into her gifts. Ellie and Owen open presents very differently. Their "present opening style" fits both of their personalities perfectly. Ellie rips every gift open and wants to move onto the next without even looking at the gifts. Owen is very meticulous in opening his presents slowly, putting each piece of wrapping paper in the garbage bag, and wanting to play with the gift he opened instantly. I think that we eventually just had Ellie start helping Owen because it was taking soooo long!

Merry Christmas!
Ripping Open the presents
They made out like bandits some of Ellie's favorite gifts were; cabbage patch doll, stamps (just like Grandma Mary), barbie car, barbie ballerina, and Mary Poppins the movie. Owen's favorites were; a semi truck with cars on it, a wooden train, a magic doodle board, a fire truck and a harmonica.

Already playing with their toys
After opening presents we ate a large breakfast and then relaxed for the remainder of the day. It was probably my favorite day in our new home thus far!  That night I made a big dinner for us, and Josh came over. Josh spoiled them of course and bought Owen a drum set and Ellie a bunch of princess stuff. But, the gift that I think she LOVED the most was this tiny pair of plastic scissors that came with one of the princess activity books, she loves those scissors and wants to "cut" paper all the time.

Christmas Dinner

Rocking Out
Princess Magnets

Merry Christmas!!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Visit with Mr. and Mrs. Claus

This past weekend we went to the firestation in Robins to visit Santa Claus! It was so much fun and such a nice event that the city of Robins puts on. The kids got to sit on Santa's lap, he gave them each a candy cane filled with M&Ms. After telling Santa what they wanted and taking some pictures they were able to get a cookie, enjoy some hot chocolate and make a cool picture frame craft to take home. The kids had so much fun, and Jeremy and I did too!
Owen would not stop flinging his candy around

Playing Shy
Mmmmmm cookies from the North Pole!


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Decorating for Christmas

This year we had to get a new Christmas Tree...old one was ruined in the "great basement flood of 2011". I took this as a great sign to start plugging for a real tree...and got voted down :( Jeremy's complaint about a real tree is the needles falling off, and it is just too much work! I feel very partial to real trees and think fake ones look plastic like. The whole fam went off to Mernards to pick out the perfect FAKE tree. Jeremy picked one out while I grabbed a few boxes of lights to help spruce it up.
The next morning we started the process of putting up the tree. The kids helped Jeremy put each plastic branch on the metal stem, we fluffed the tree out, cleaned up all of the plastic needles all over the floor and then sat back and I heard Jeremy say...."You were right we should have gotten a real tree" which I replied "Could you just say that first part one more time?" :) Next year his plan is real tree upstairs and fake tree down, I may need to get him on tape saying this so he doesn't back out of the plan in 11 months.
Putting up the tree

Ellie and Owen had so much fun decorating the tree. We have many ornaments on the bottom of the tree and a few branches have more than one ornament on them, but it looks great! Owen had a difficult time remembering that ornaments are not balls that we whip across the room...I would say 2-3 were broken by him throwing them. He has since only broken 2 more and seems to leave the tree along for the most part.

Christmas Tree 2011

My 2 Favorite Ornaments
Take 1

Take 2

Take 3

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Another Point for the Good Guys!

My first year teaching I was lucky enough to have Joann in my classroom. I will be the first to admit she quickly became a favorite of mine. Despite her academic challenges and her home life Joann persevered and was one of the hardest working students I have ever had. Joann was very likable to most, her downfall was that she didn't give teachers the benefit of the doubt and would be at constant battle with a staff memeber if she felt they didn't care about her. This worried me immensely for her forward 7 years....Joann has come to visit on a few occasions....but this past Wednesday she walked into my classroom and told me she was graduating the following night from Metro High School with her High School Diploma! I was thrilled to see her, and thrilled to get an invite to the ceremony. I could not have been more proud of her and all that she has accomplished! She is currently working at a nursing home and going to Kirkwood in hopes of completing the CNA program.
Me, Joann and Fanaye (another McK teacher)
With the good news comes the bad news. Three days after Joann graduated her mom passed away from an illness. This leaves 5 children displaced and without a home, thus adding to Joann's responsibility, as she is taking over custody of her 6th grade sister, 3 nieces and 1 nephew, not to mention that she has her own son. Joann will now be the provider for six children. I plan on keeping in close contact with her in hopes to help her meet her goals and complete her CNA program. I also think often of those children (2 of which are currently in my classroom and also great kids!) I worry about them all the time and hope that I can somehow help to show them the importance of staying on track, and feel assurance that they have a role model in Joann to look up to!

Monday, November 28, 2011

10 Year Reunion

Our 10 year high school reunion was this year. We had a reunion party the Saturday after Thanksgiving. In my opinion, not too many people showed up. I had a great time seeing our friends that did attend. But, to be honest I would have much rather have gotten together with that same group of people at a different place. It felt as if we were at a boring wedding reception. Jeremy had a lot of fun (maybe because he drank much more than I :). I think we will plan on skipping the 15 year and maybe shoot for the 20 if we ever were to attend another.
Here is the only pic I got from the night:
Me and Randi

Friday, November 25, 2011

Turkey Trot...with many firsts!

Runners for 2011
This will be my 10th or 11th year running the Turkey Trot in DBQ with one missed year because I just had Owen the month before. But, this is my very first year running the7.5 mile route. In the past I have happily turned right to follow the 2.5 mile route and have always been disappointed to be done. I have also always thought that the 7.5 route was out of reach for me. Something I could never accomplish...well this year I DID IT! in 1:02 to be exact, along with my brother who is a first timer running the Turkey Trot. But the big news is this year I convinced Jeremy to run in it as well. He finished the 2.5 route with an exceptional time! After it was all over I felt great relief, but I also was ready to fill up on a hearty serving of turkey, mashed potatoes and pie!

Smiling and thinking of food!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Elmo and Friends!

Owen Yia yia and Ellie

 Yia yia bought us tickets to go see Elmo!!!! We attended the showing the night before Thanksgiving. Yia yia also made the mistake of telling about this 2weeks before the date of the needless to say she had been talking about it for quite awhile! We made sure to put on our Elmo shirts and headed off to the show. Yia yia, Mommy, Daddy, Ellie and Owen, all attended the performance.
Let the dancing begin!
 It was pretty cute, but the best part of the whole show was Owen's reaction. He was ecstatic! So excited, screaming, yelling, laughing, jumping...I laughed the entire time. He said bye bye to Elmo for 5 minutes and was still shouting goodbye to Elmo as we were putting him into the car.
Happy Guy!
Oooo, Ahhh!

Ellie also loved the show, her favorite character was Abby Caddaby. She was in awe of their singing and dancing and would ask "Where did Abby go?" every time she left the stage.

 Thank you Yia yia for taking us to such a great performance!
Bye Bye Elmo!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

This is what happens when...

Daddy falls asleep on the couch....Hehehehehehe! :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Deer Hunt of 2011

Jeremy got 3 deer this year with his bow. This hunting season came with a few mishaps to start out the year (running over bow and thus destroying it!)...but was a success in the end.
Here are some pics of the buck he got:
Deer 2011
Ellie had to get in the picture with Daddy and his Big Buck :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

Best Sibling Pic I could get...Owen would not cooperate!
This year for Halloween, Ellie wanted to be a monkey...she had been talking about being a monkey for months! I thought for sure she would change her mind when we went shopping and she saw all the pink girlie costumes, but she did not. Ellie still picked out a monkey costume and wore it a gazillion times at home before the big day.

Ellie the Monkey

Owen was a Lion for Halloween. The poor guy had this costume passed down to him from the last two years that Ellie wore it. I secretly hope that he wants to be a monkey next year :) Owen the Lion was not a happy Lion...he did not want to put the hood (lion mane) up on his head...he would not cooperate for pictures...and he just wasn't feeling the whole idea of Trick or Treating.

Owen the Crabby Lion
Aunt Julie came over to go Trick or Treating with us...Ellie was ecstatic! Owen on the other hand didn't want to go, he wanted to stay home with Daddy and Josh and watch football. I tried over and over to encourage him to join us, but he just wasn't having it. Besides, why should he walk around the neighborhood to get candy when he can fill his bucket up with the candy from home!

 Ellie, Julie and I went to 15-20 houses pulling Ellie in the wagon until she eventually said she wanted to go home. A lot of the houses had "scary" noises playing on their porches, or bowls with hands that grabbed you and Ellie wasn't really all that fond of that.

Once Ellie and I got home, she was happy to share her candy with Owen. And of course Jeremy and I got to eat anything that had peanut butter in it after the kids went to bed (we both LOVE peanut butter!) The night seemed to be a success for all!

Happy Halloween!