Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ellie's Jungle Gym

Ellie is huge into climbing lately...we need to keep a constant eye on her, she will climb up on anything she can reach. Jeremy cannot sit or lay on the ground without Ellie thinking that it is time to climb, wrestle and just be crazy. He is her personal jungle gym! It is great entertainment from my permanant condition on the couch, becasue of bed rest. Not only is it entertainment for me, but also saves us money in not having to buy an actual jungle gym :)
Pictures: (sorry for the coffee table in every pic, you get an accurate view from my perch on the couch)
Climbing up the giant
The beat down on daddy begins :)

Gottcha in the eye...HaKissy to say sorry for poking your eye out daddy...such a sweet little girl!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Update-31 weeks pregnant

Our weekly doctor appointment went well today. I always get super anxious for these appointments, because two weeks in a row I was sent to the hospital from the doctors office. Last week my urine test came back at the same level as the previous week, so I was able to stay at home. This week I do not have the results from the test, so I'm assuming no news is good news. I also had some blood work done to check my thyroid levels. Funny how in the past I would get so upset at the thought of being poked by it is the norm!
So...I'm home for another week!
Next week I will have an ultrasound to check growth of baby and conduct another 24 hour urine test. I just pray to make it to 36 weeks at HOME! :) I feel much happier when at home and I'm able to see Ellie and Jeremy every day.
It really stinks not being able to play much with Ellie, but she loves to read (just like me:) so this is what we have been doing a lot of!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Update on Ellie's Finger

Ellie got the pin taken out of her finger last Thursday. Jeremy and my mom took her to the appointment. Jeremy said she was very upset when they removed the pin, but quickly calmed down once let up from being held down, and after she was given a Elmo sticker :)
She will have a splint on for two more weeks, and then go back to the doctor in four. We cannot wait to be done with this ordeal! Hopefully between her and myself we have had our quota of doc/hospital visits for awhile.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Another 24 hour urine test....ICK!

I start another 24 hour urine test from home tomorrow morning. I will bring it in to the lab Monday morning before my Dr. Appt. I'm having a bit of anxiety about it, because every time I do one of these, my levels are elevated from the previous, and I'm readmitted to the hospital. I plan on talking to my doctor about the possibility of staying at home on bed rest until the pre-eclampsia is severe enough to deliver or I'm 36 weeks and can be induced. Being admitted to the hospital is very emotional and wearing. I hate being away from Ellie and Jeremy! So, hopefully she will allow me to stay at home until it is absolutely necessary to be at the hospital (for something like delivery).

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Jeremy!!!

Happy Birthday to the best husband and daddy around! We can't thank you enough for all that you do!
You have taken on all the responsibility at home now that I'm on bed rest with a smile on your face. Ellie, baby and I greatly appreciate it!
Happy 27th Birthday, We LOVE YOU!
~Danielle, Ellie and Baby

Back in the Hospital

I was readmitted back into the hospital yesterday Wednesday (9/16). My gestational hyper-tension is now mild pre-eclampsia. I received a phone call from a nurse at OBGYN that the test results for my 24 hour urine test were high and the doctor wanted me readmitted to the hospital. This was very disheartening news I hate being in the hospital. I cried and cried the entire way to the hospital and cried some more once we arrived. My doctor was the doctor on call at the hospital, so that did make me feel a bit better. My OB doctor is Dr. Lyons, Jeremy and I really like her. Upon arriving at the hospital the nurse got me all settled in my room, and Dr. Lyons was in to talk to us within 30 minutes. She ordered some blood work, another 24 hour urine and started to monitor the baby. Jeremy stayed as long as he could, but he had Ellie to get home to bed, and had to leave around 7. Being in the hospital alone is one of the loneliest things in the world. Luckily at St. Lukes (hospital) the nurses are excellent!!! They not only answer any questions I have, but also talk to you about anything and everything. The nurses their really made me feel like I had someone who cared on my side.
I finished my 24 urine test on Thursday, and was optimistic that I could go home. My blood work came back looking good, my blood pressures were not as high as they had been, and the baby was doing great. It was Jeremy's 27th birthday and I wanted so much to get home. I was totally crushed when Dr. Olson (Dr. on call) came in to tell me I would be in the hospital until Monday morning. I wanted so bad to go home see my little Ellie and give my husband a big birthday hug, along with his birthday presents. But, I had to suck it up and accept that I was there until Monday.
Friday morning: I'm woken up at 6:30 by the lab to draw joke! Then I'm up for the day. Jeremy and my mom bring Ellie to visit me around 9:30 in the morning. She is so happy to see me as I'm ecstatic to see her! Dr. Bemus comes in around 10:00 and says blood work looked, fine, and he was going to consult with Dr. Lyons (dr who I love!:) about releasing me. I could not wipe the smile off my face, needless to say I got to go home!
As much as I love my doctor, the practice she works with rotates days being at the hospital. We went all through Ellie's pregnancy with Dr. Lyons and then when we went to the hospital to deliver Dr. Zang delivered me. It kinda stinks, because you run into situations like this where every doc tells you something different. Olson said I was in until Monday, and then Dr. Bemus, who consults my Dr. who knows me best frees me Friday afternoon. I'm just doing my best to stay on strict bed rest in order to not return until I deliver. Hopefully the pre-eclampsia can be managed until I'm 36-37 weeks when I will be induced.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bed Rest at 28 Weeks

Ellie visiting Mommy in the hospital. I'm officially on bedrest at 28 weeks pregnant...NO FUN! I haven't been feeling good for a few days having bad headaches, and stomach pain. I called the doctor to get in for an early appointment after my headache would not go away with tylenol. My doctor said she needed me to come in that afternoon, and sure enough my blood preasure is up and I was admitted in the hospital to control it. After a bizillion tests, it was determined that I have gestational hypertension, or chronic high blood preassure in pregnancy. I had this with Ellie as well at 38 weeks, but was able to be induced. At 28 weeks the goal is to stay pregnant as long as possible and keep blood pressure down. If we are unable to control my blood pressure with bed rest the doctor will deliver.
On a positive note, the baby is doing absolutely wonderful. He/She is kicking away in there, not phased a bit by what is going on in the outside world. We had an ultrasound on Thursday, and I was amazed when the tech showed me a ton of hair on the babys was all spikey! So, baby should be born with a head of hair, just like our little Ellie.

Weight gain:22 pounds
Blood Pressure before hospitalization: 162/102
Blood Pressure after hospitalization:138/90 (still not great for me but okay)
Normal Blood Preassure: 102/58 (which has stayed constant throughout my pregnancy until now!)
Measurments: right around 28 weeks 6 days
Weight: 2 lbs 11 oz (a little peanut)

Bubbly nurse's goals :)

Cast is OFF!!!

Ellie got her cast removed today!!! I was informed that she was not happy about the removal process at all. It didn't hurt her of course, but Jeremy said the noise of the saw freaked her out. They had to hold her down to get the cast off, but after that was off she was fine. Her arm needs a cleaning and some major lotion (skin is a bit dry). She then proceeded to hand therapy where they fit her with a brace to help protect the pin that is inserted into her finger. She will get the pin removed in two weeks...hopefully! Jeremy said the finger looks pretty swollen still and is covered in stitches...the top of her finger is also very crooked. But, at least she still has a finger!
Here are some pics with cast:
Resting my cast on the window seal while I watch the dogs :)

Spending time with Grandma Mary

Ellie and her Great Uncle Dan