Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Balloon Glow at Brucemore

Last night we went to the Balloon Glow at Brucemore as part of the Cedar Rapids Freedom Festival. Brucemore is a historic mansion located in Cedar Rapids. It is beautifully landscaped with gardens, trails and a huge lawn area. 
We went with our good friends Josh and April and their two kids, Emerick and Brinley. Emerick and Owen are 12 days apart and Brinley is 7 weeks old. We started the evening at their house for pizza and root beer floats. The three older kids ran around like crazy animals, while Brinley watched from someones lap.
The Baby Whisperer
All the kids and Jeremy
After dinner we headed to Brucemore. It was my first time at the Balloon Glow and I was shocked by all the people there. We sat down on the lawn, watched the balloons and caught up with each other. The kids proceeded to continue to run around like crazy and eat even more.

Hanging out on the lawn

Ellie and Owen (Owen thinks saying cheese is closing your eyes)
Saying "Hi" to a lion

Lit up
All in all it was a good time, and the perfect night to sit out side.