Saturday, September 19, 2009

Another 24 hour urine test....ICK!

I start another 24 hour urine test from home tomorrow morning. I will bring it in to the lab Monday morning before my Dr. Appt. I'm having a bit of anxiety about it, because every time I do one of these, my levels are elevated from the previous, and I'm readmitted to the hospital. I plan on talking to my doctor about the possibility of staying at home on bed rest until the pre-eclampsia is severe enough to deliver or I'm 36 weeks and can be induced. Being admitted to the hospital is very emotional and wearing. I hate being away from Ellie and Jeremy! So, hopefully she will allow me to stay at home until it is absolutely necessary to be at the hospital (for something like delivery).


Carissa said...

You poor little lady, I can't believe all that is going on over there lately!! Hang in there!

Nina said...

I agree with Carissa! Hang in there! Hopefully the doc will let you just stay at home if you have to go on bed rest! I'll be thinking of you!

Carissa said...

I need another update!