Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bed Rest at 28 Weeks

Ellie visiting Mommy in the hospital. I'm officially on bedrest at 28 weeks pregnant...NO FUN! I haven't been feeling good for a few days having bad headaches, and stomach pain. I called the doctor to get in for an early appointment after my headache would not go away with tylenol. My doctor said she needed me to come in that afternoon, and sure enough my blood preasure is up and I was admitted in the hospital to control it. After a bizillion tests, it was determined that I have gestational hypertension, or chronic high blood preassure in pregnancy. I had this with Ellie as well at 38 weeks, but was able to be induced. At 28 weeks the goal is to stay pregnant as long as possible and keep blood pressure down. If we are unable to control my blood pressure with bed rest the doctor will deliver.
On a positive note, the baby is doing absolutely wonderful. He/She is kicking away in there, not phased a bit by what is going on in the outside world. We had an ultrasound on Thursday, and I was amazed when the tech showed me a ton of hair on the babys was all spikey! So, baby should be born with a head of hair, just like our little Ellie.

Weight gain:22 pounds
Blood Pressure before hospitalization: 162/102
Blood Pressure after hospitalization:138/90 (still not great for me but okay)
Normal Blood Preassure: 102/58 (which has stayed constant throughout my pregnancy until now!)
Measurments: right around 28 weeks 6 days
Weight: 2 lbs 11 oz (a little peanut)

Bubbly nurse's goals :)


Nina said...

Hope you're doing and feeling better!! Bed rest is no fun!!

Carissa said...

No more wearing a gown until you're pushing that little guy/girl out! Full term!!