Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Extravaganza 2011

Santa came to our house 2 days early because Jeremy had to work. I originally felt pretty bummed out about this, but in the long run it was GREAT! We were able to spend the entire day together at our own home. I think that this will be something that we will make a tradition to continue in the future.

Ellie had a very difficult time going to sleep with the anticipation that Santa was coming. At one point she came out of her room in tears because she just was too excited (Jeremy and I could both relate :)

The next morning Ellie and Owen came running into our room early to tell us that Santa had come and brought us presents! I barely had time to grab the camera before Ellie was ripping into her gifts. Ellie and Owen open presents very differently. Their "present opening style" fits both of their personalities perfectly. Ellie rips every gift open and wants to move onto the next without even looking at the gifts. Owen is very meticulous in opening his presents slowly, putting each piece of wrapping paper in the garbage bag, and wanting to play with the gift he opened instantly. I think that we eventually just had Ellie start helping Owen because it was taking soooo long!

Merry Christmas!
Ripping Open the presents
They made out like bandits some of Ellie's favorite gifts were; cabbage patch doll, stamps (just like Grandma Mary), barbie car, barbie ballerina, and Mary Poppins the movie. Owen's favorites were; a semi truck with cars on it, a wooden train, a magic doodle board, a fire truck and a harmonica.

Already playing with their toys
After opening presents we ate a large breakfast and then relaxed for the remainder of the day. It was probably my favorite day in our new home thus far!  That night I made a big dinner for us, and Josh came over. Josh spoiled them of course and bought Owen a drum set and Ellie a bunch of princess stuff. But, the gift that I think she LOVED the most was this tiny pair of plastic scissors that came with one of the princess activity books, she loves those scissors and wants to "cut" paper all the time.

Christmas Dinner

Rocking Out
Princess Magnets

Merry Christmas!!!!

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