Wednesday, October 19, 2011

No More Snore!

Owen had his tonsils and adenoids taken out on Friday, October 7th. It was a sad rough day, but we know the benefits are worth it in the long run. We had to be at the hospital with him at 6:30 in the morning, he was very upset about missing his oatmeal, and asked for it over and over. Surgery started at 7:30 and his Doctor came out to chat with us around 8:15. He reassured us that surgery went well, the Dr also stated that his adenoids were some of the biggest he has seen in a kid...that comment solidified that we did the right thing removing them. Owen's breathing problems have been an ongoing battle for us. Owen's previous pediatrician blamed it all on allergies and refused to think it could be anything else. I was adamant that something was wrong and decided to move Owen to a different pediatrician. We love her! She listened to us, referred us to the proper specialist and helped to solve all breathing/snoring problems!
Owen had a difficult time coming out of surgery, his oxygen levels kept dipping low and so he was in recovery for a few hours. Once we mad it back up to his room he had to have oxygen on him for the first 8 hours or so to keep his oxygen levels up. I will never forget how happy he was to see us for the first time once out of recovery. He had a huge smile on his face...but about 2 hours later he woke up from a nap and was not happy! He was awful for about 3 hours, screaming, crying, hitting...nothing made him happy! I slept in bed with him in the hospital and he seemed to wake up feeling a little bit better.
Watching Elmo

One sad little boy!
Relaxing with Dad

Once we got home he was a BEAR for about 5 days after surgery and started to come around by the following Thursday. Owen was so mad that he could not eat certain foods, or do certain things, but most of all I think he was just in pain.
Bye bye Hospital!
It was so sad to see him this way and now he did not understand why he felt so awful, but it was all worth it! Ellie said it best when she explained to a teacher at daycare that: "Owen has to have surgery to get rid of his snore" :)
Surgery was a success as we now have NO MORE SNORE!

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