Sunday, May 17, 2009

10 month stats and Pink Eye!

Ellie went in for a routine doctor appointment on Friday. She had a bad cold and it looked as if it was in her eyes as well. Immediately when Nurse Karen saw Ellie she said, "oh my, it looks as if she has pink eye". Which freaked me out a bit considering that in the movie "Knocked Up", all the druggie boys get pink eye from poop on their pillows...well Doctor Lisa assured me that Ellie got it from her cold...she said it happens all the time to little ones. The final verdict from Dr. Lisa was sinus infection and pink eye in both eyes! Ellie did not act bothered at all from her sinus infection or pink eye. She was still as happy as a clam of course all smiles and laughs :)
10 month stats:
Weight: 16 pounds 5 ounces- 10th percentile
Height: 27 inches- 25th percentile
We love our doctor and her nurse but, it is a huge pain in the rear to get out of the Dr. office. All the secretaries (5 old women) want to hold and talk to Ellie...and of course she puts on a show for them.

At 10 months Ellie is so much fun! Her personality is coming out and she is definitely a spit fire. Now that the weather is nice she loves standing at the window and screaming at the top of her lungs! She has this new thing that she says over and over and it sounds like ahhh shit, although we hope it is not. She says da da, oh o, and makes almost every other letter sound but mmmmmm!!! So no ma ma yet! She waves good bye, raises her arms when you ask her “how big is Ellie” , claps when she hears anyone else clap, gives high fives, eats like a pig and wants anything that we are currently eating and smiles all the time….just a little update!
Here are some pics of Ellie at her new post, the window:
Cheese (she smiles for the camera now :)


Nina said...

I can't believe she's only 16 lbs! Johannah just had her 2 mo appt this past week and she's 13 lbs (94 percentile)! A VERY healthy baby ;-) She's going to weigh more than Ellie here soon!

Carissa said...

I can't believe you actually thought of the poop on the pillows...what is going on in that house!! ;)

Carissa said...

kinda funny...I was looking to put a new background on my blog (after I saw how cute yours was) and I picked one...came back to yours and it was the same one! ha...I'm a little slow...