Sunday, November 22, 2009

6 weeks old

Owen is six weeks old!!! He is not caught up to normal newborn,s but he is on his way. The doctor says that Owen should be caught up to his peers between 12-15 months old. Until then we should expect him to be a bit smaller, and possibly reach milestones after his peers. We are just happy that he is doing so well at home!
All About Owen:
Weight: 5 pounds 5 ounces! (almost as big as Ellie when she was born)
Feeding: Owen is a eating machine lately, he will nurse on an off for hours at a time. He has to have two supplemented bottles a day and those feedings are between 3.5-4 ounces at a time.
Diapers: Owen wears newborn diapers, he has since he has been home. Like his sister he has no problem in the pooping and peeing department...thank goodness!
Sleeping: Owen is up 2-3 times a night for a couple hours at a time. He doesn't sleep very well in his bassinet, and I fully admit to spoiling him by letting him sleep with me for a short time most nights. This allows me to get a little bit of sleep as well.
-Owen is a cuddle bug...he loves to be held!
-Owen is starting to be awake for longer periods of time.
-Owen likes to be talked to, he has started to look at me when I talk to him, he also stares at shadows and contrasting colors/shapes.
-He loves the ceiling fan just like his sister did.
-He only cries when he is hungry.
-Owen hates to have his diaper/clothes changed...he gets very upset.


Carissa said...

He's so precious! I want to hold him!

The Rahe's said...

Hey D! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year..I am so gald to hear that Owen is going so well!!