Monday, February 28, 2011

First Trip to The Children's Museum

This past weekend Jeremy was off work, and we thankfully had nothing else going on! No plans out of town, nobody was visiting, no plans with was just US and we were so excited about it! I have been wanting to bring the kids to the Children's Museum in Corallville for awhile now, so we thought Sunday would be the perfect day to do it! We headed to Coralville early to grab lunch and get to the museum just as they opened. Ellie was super crabby Saturday night and all day Sunday, so I was a bit worried, but she did great. Ellie and Owen were sick last week and Ellie is still coughing a lot, I'm hoping this is the reason for the crabbiness and not a new attitude. I really liked The Children's Museum it is a great place and you can tell that they have invested so much thought, time and money into making it what it is today. I think that it will fit our family really well in two years or so, once the kids are both a bit older.
Owen had fun but wasn't able to interact with much. He did find one room he loved...can you guess...The Farm room! :) Those who know him well, know how fitting this is for him. He loved to cruise around through the tunnels, up the stairs, down the slides. He enjoyed driving the tractor, and playing with the farm sets. The Farm room was for kids ages 0-5, and it was a bit frustrating when parents let their older kids come in and play. They were just too big and out of control, I had to run to grab Owen a few times, because I thought he would be trampled. Like I said, it will be a better fit for us in one or two years.

Crawling through the tunnel

Little Ham

Playing with the farm
Ellie loved the farm room as well, but she probably enjoyed the grocery store and driving the ambulance the most! She screamed  and cried when we had to leave both of those areas (again a bit crabby on this day).
Crawling underground
She insisted on riding the cow
Loading the tractor trailer
Driving the tractor
Up and Down...Repeat
Both kids loved this long tunnel slide in the Flight area. I took both of them down multiple times. Owen giggled and giggled the entire way down, and Ellie kept asking to go again.

Flight Area
Pilot and Co-Pilot
They also both loved the book area. It was a nice way to relax at the end of our time at the museum.
Relaxing in a tree

Waiting for the girls...whats new!?!?!?

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